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New site theme, Blogfolio

Blogfolio maximizes site experience by elegantly presenting content on both large screens and mobile devices.

a screenshot of the Blogfolio theme for WordPress

The Blogfolio theme for WordPress has finally reached a level of refinement and elegance suitable for powering Planetjon. Goodbye 3rd party themes, hello my own.

Often when you want things exactly as desired, you’ve got to take matters in your own hands. This case is no exception. Just over 2 years ago when I made the switch to WordPress from my hastily written blogging software I felt mixed emotions.

On the one hand I was ecstatic to at last have a modernized blog with ever-improving support and features and access to a vast community of tools. On the other hand I begrudged relinquishing the tropical PJ theme that had evolved over the past few years. Having no expertise in developing with the WordPress platform, I would have to make use of the existing themes and tools made available through the WordPress community until I become proficient at developing my own. Sure there are many fine open-source WordPress themes and plugins but sometimes they simply don’t offer exactly what I have in mind.

Well starting today Planetjon is once again powered by an all-Jon product: the Blogfolio theme. So what do you think? Did I do a good job? Your esteemed feedback is encouraged, please.